Enter the date you wish to convert below. It’s easiest if you start with the year, then month and finally day. If you were born in Europe, Africa or Asia choose GMT +2, all others choose GMT.
You will get three dates; The Long Count, The Tzolk’in and the Haab’. Your Mayan astrological sign is the Tzolk’in date. You will have a number and a name under the Tzolk’in date. Your number is called your Galactic Tone and can be found here
Enter the date you wish to convert below. It’s easiest if you start with the year, then month and finally day. If you were born in Europe, Africa or Asia choose GMT +2, all others choose GMT.
You will get three dates; The Long Count, The Tzolk’in and the Haab’. Your Mayan astrological sign is the Tzolk’in date. You will have a number and a name under the Tzolk’in date. Your number is called your Galactic Tone and can be found here